Commercial contracts

The lawyer and commercial contracts

The Netherlands has always been a great trading country and commercial contracts are at the heart of national and international business. With globalisation, international trade and digitisation offering opportunities and challenges for business owners, our specialists are happy to assist them in this regard.

You may have questions about appropriate forms of collaboration or you may need help rolling out new contracts. That is where we come in. We draft, negotiate and litigate contracts, and we also adapt standard agreements to accommodate the needs of local business partners where necessary. In some cases, the network of business partners needs to be reorganised and collaborations terminated. That is why we also advise on the best strategy for ending contractual collaborations.

In doing so, we work closely with our specialists in the fields of litigation, European and international law, competition law, privacy law, intellectual property law and transport law & logistics.

Expertise in commercial contracts and international trade

Our knowledge and experience cover national and international:

  • Exclusive and selective distribution agreements, agency and franchise agreements
  • Supply agreements, framework and collaboration agreements
  • Purchase agreements, terms and conditions of purchase and sale
  • E-commerce
  • General terms and conditions (B2B and B2C)
  • Consignment agreements
  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)
  • Product liability and recalls

Do you need advice? We would be happy to help. Contact one of our lawyers who specialises in commercial contract law.

Commercial contracts lawyers



Commerciële Contracten, Duits recht, Handels- en distributierecht, Procesrecht, Transportrecht
Commerciële Contracten, Transportrecht, Procesrecht, Europees- en internationaal recht

Get in touch

Do you have a question or do you want more information, our specialists respond quickly and are always available. 

Contact info
Joachim Stab
