


Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation, Corporate Law

About Femke Jansen

Femke Jansen is a partner at the Utrecht office in the Corporate Law and Mergers & Acquisitions practice groups. She advises and litigates on a wide range of corporate law issues, with a focus on acquisitions and investments, collaboration agreements (including joint ventures, shareholder agreements and management agreements) and commercial (trade) contracts (drafting, reviewing and litigating when disputes arise). Some examples of deals where Femke has assisted can be found on the M&A Community's website.

Femke started her career at Van Diepen Van der Kroef in 2012. From 2016-2021, she lived on the Caribbean island of Sint Maarten and practised there as a lawyer in a broad, international civil litigation and advisory practice, assisting businesses and entrepreneurs in particular. There, her clients included some of the biggest companies - including the airport, the utility company and several large, international resorts and marinas.

Femke lives with her partner and two daughters in Maarssen, close to Utrecht. She is a member of the Utrecht-Fletiomare Rotary Club.

Assisted mergers / acquisition

Arcus en minderheidsaandeelhouders verkopen Constellation Cold Logistics

VDVDK heeft een van de minderheidsaandeelhouders geadviseerd en begeleid bij de verkoop van het belang in het internationale concern Constellation Cold Logistics.

Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation, Corporate Law
Anders Invest verwerft meederheidsbelang in Hillco Poeliersbedrijf

VDVDK stond de verkopende aandeelhoudersĀ Ć©n de inkopende managers bij in de verkoop van een meerderheidsbelang in Hillco Poeliersbedrijf aan Anders Invest.

Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation, Corporate Law
Neurolytics haalt investering op

Neurolytics, innovator in AI video analytics voor HR en recruitment, heeft een investering opgehaald. VDVDK heeft investeerders ROM Utrecht Region en Familiefonds BarUni begeleid.

Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation, Corporate Law
ROM Utrecht
ROM Utrecht Region en private investeerders nemen belang in PLTFRM

VDVDK heeft ROM Utrecht Region begeleid bij de investering in het Utrechtse IT-bedrijf PLTFRM.

Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation, Corporate Law
Braspenning Group neemt De Back Metaalconservering over

VDVDK heeft Braspenning Group bijgestaan in de overname De Back Metaalconservering, waarmee Braspenning haar positie in de Nederlandse markt op het gebied van stralen, coaten en schilderwerken versterkt.

Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation, Corporate Law
of the
Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Law, Insolvency & Restructuring
Eric Jan
Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation, Corporate Law
Tech-bedrijf Tarnoc haalt investering

VDVDK heeft twee familiefondsen geadviseerd en begeleid bij hun investering in Tarnoc, een Delfts tech-bedrijf dat een volledig elektrische turbineketel ontwikkelt.

Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation, Corporate Law

Areas of law / specialisms

Mergers & Acquisitions
Corporate Law
attorney, partner
Lawyer since
Dutch, English
Areas of law
Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation, Corporate Law


  • Bachelor of Law at Utrecht University (cum laude), including an exchange year in Cambridge (UK)
  • Master's degree in Private Law at Utrecht University (cum laude)
  • Master of Laws (LLM) at the University of Cambridge in the UK (first class)

Examples of work

  • Assisting with acquisitions in various sectors (on both the seller's and buyer's sides), investments and participations, including venture capital and private equity.
  • Drafting and reviewing collaboration agreements (including joint venture and shareholder agreements) and other commercial contracts.
  • Advising and litigating on disputes on the issues listed above and intra-company disputes, including shareholder disputes and disputes between a shareholder and a director.

Memberships and ancillary activities

  • Editorial board member of Nederlandse Jurisprudentie Feitenrechtspraak (NJF), Kluwer
  • Author of Groene Serie Verbintenissenrecht, Kluwer
  • Utrecht-Fletiomare Rotary Club

Client experiences

Wij zijn op een aangename en deskundige manier door Femke geholpen bij de overname van Hillco Poeliersbedrijf. Het was een prettige manier van samenwerken met korte lijntjes en belangrijke adviezen. Gedurende het gehele traject zijn onze belangen op een heldere, pragmatische wijze behartigd.

Dinand Heijkamp en Jaap Randewijk

- Management

Hillco Poeliersbedrijf

ā€œMaking an investment in your company run smoothly and succeed requires craftsmanship, agility, openness and flexibility. The lawyers of Van Diepen Van der Kroef have that. Not just any craftsmanship, they have the skills to translate complex legal content and terms into understandable language for laypeople and in a very pleasant way. The right people to optimally guide your interests and possibilities to a great end result.ā€

Winnie Meijer

- Co-Founder and CFO


“Femke en haar team hebben ons op een plezierige en professionele manier begeleid bij de verkoop van de aandelen van O-twee aan Alfa. De onderhandelingen over de koopovereenkomst werden op een pragmatische manier vertaald waarbij goed begrepen werd wat voor ons de belangrijke punten zijn. Altijd kort op de bal wat heeft gezorgd voor korte lijnen en snelle respons.”

Teun den Ouden

- Corporate Finance advisor and co-founder

O-Two Accountants

ā€œVan Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten has advised ROM Utrecht Region on various investments from the HUL POC fund and the Participation Fund. We experienced the collaboration with Femke Jansen as very pleasant. Femke is solution-oriented, works pragmatically and quickly.ā€

Susan Diepstraten

- Senior Investment Manager

ROM Utrecht Region

ā€œFemke was an indispensable link for us during the negotiations between Enbiun and the Vermaat Group regarding the takeover of Join Program. Partly thanks to her empathy, quick response and good contact with everyone involved, we closed a successful deal and we know who to call the next time we need legal help.ā€

Jan Willem van de Sande en Maurits Tofohr

- Founders

Power plant

Contact Femke Jansen

Articles by Femke Jansen

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