/ Areas of law / Collective Compensation Claims
In a class action, one party initiates a class action on behalf of a group of aggrieved parties. The specialist knowledge of our lawyers covers many areas of law, which means that our lawyers can take on complex cases like this. Substantial class actions are handled by a team. We also assist interest groups in raising class actions for damages and in negotiations and settlements, which may or may not be based on the Class Actions (Settling of Large-scale Losses or Damage) Act (WCAM).
The Settling of Large-scale Losses or Damage (Class Actions) Act (WAMCA) was published in the Bulletin of Acts and Decrees on 1 April 2019. The Act will come into force on a date to be determined by Royal Decree. From then on, a number of important changes will be implemented. The most obvious change is that it will then be possible to claim damages in a class action as well. A single regime will then apply to class actions, whether they are seeking monetary compensation or not. To be declared admissible, interest groups have to meet strict requirements in terms of governance, funding and group representation. The legislature wants to ensure that the interests of the group of persons whose interests are being represented are adequately safeguarded in this way. In short, the law on class actions is rapidly evolving. The class action lawyers at Van Diepen Van der Kroef are familiar with the ins and outs.
Van Diepen Van der Kroef is or has been involved in several class actions for damages and related negotiations, such as those of:
Contact one of our lawyers who specialise in class actions for damages.
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