Privacy law

The lawyer and privacy law

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force since 25 May 2018. From that date, the same privacy legislation applies throughout the European Union. For organisations, this means an increase in obligations and responsibilities. In addition, organisations are facing a strengthening and expansion of the privacy rights of data subjects.

The privacy lawyers at Van Diepen Van der Kroef assist organisations and companies with the implementation of the GDPR. They also advise and litigate on related issues, including the protection of personal data & IT, legal aspects of artificial intelligence, big data, block chain, data protection, e-commerce and workplace privacy.

Expertise in privacy law

We have extensive knowledge and experience in areas including:

Guidance on the implementation and application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by providing training courses, conducting inventories and drafting documents such as privacy protocols, data breach protocols and data processing agreements

Advice on data traffic between organisations and requirements imposed on this by the GDPR and related regulations

Performing a GDPR scan to assess whether your organisation is compliant with the GDPR

Drafting privacy statements, privacy notices and terms and conditions

Advice and legal assistance for data breaches, security breaches and invoking rights under the GDPR

Advice and legal assistance on workplace privacy issues such as camera surveillance, monitoring email boxes, engaging company investigators and checking on sick employees

Guidance for companies during audit visits and enforcement or penalty sanctions by the Dutch Data Protection Authority

Advice on regulations regarding cookies and newsletters

Advice and legal assistance on search engine findability (the right to be forgotten)

Do you need legal advice? We would be delighted to help. Contact one of our lawyers who specialise in privacy law.

Privacy law lawyers

Privacy Law, Intellectual Property Law, IT & Media
Privacy Law, Employment Law

Get in touch

Do you have a question or do you want more information, our specialists respond quickly and are always available. 

