Real Estate & Construction

Advocaat vastgoed, huur en bouw

Bij Van Diepen Van der Kroef begrijpen we de complexiteit van de vastgoed- en bouwsector. Wij zijn een vertrouwde juridische partner voor degenen die actief zijn in de vastgoed- en bouwwereld.

Ons toegewijde team van circa 20 vastgoed- en bouwrechtadvocaten bestaat uitsluitend uit specialisten. Wij begeleiden bij het opstellen van overeenkomsten en adviseren over (dreigende) geschillen. Zowel civiele procedures bij de rechter als met arbitrageprocedures, bij zowel bij de Raad van Arbitrage in bouwgeschillen als bij het NAI.

Wij kunnen u ook uitstekend adviseren in het huurrecht. Weigert uw verhuurder gebreken te herstellen en wilt u herstel en huurprijsvermindering? Betaalt uw huurder de huur niet meer en wilt u de huurovereenkomst beëindigen en het gehuurde ontruimen? Is de huurprijs voor uw winkelruimte of restaurant nog wel marktconform? Wilt u een ander in uw plaats stellen? Wij begrijpen uw belangen en kennen de wegen om uw doelen te bereiken.

Onze expertise gaat verder dan alleen het civielrechtelijk vastgoed en bouw. We bieden ook uitgebreide ondersteuning op het gebied van bestuursrecht (omgevingsvergunningen).

Door de omvang van ons team en doordat we werken vanuit verschillende vestigingen is er altijd wel een advocaat te vinden die past bij uw zaak qua expertise of werkgebied. We denken niet alleen juridisch, maar bieden vooral praktische oplossingen op maat en denken strategisch met u mee. Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op en ontdek hoe wij u kunnen helpen uw doelen te bereiken.

Expertise vastgoed, huur en bouw

Wij hebben kennis en ervaring onder meer inzake:

  • Begeleiding en advisering bij de aankoop en verkoop van onroerende zaken.
  • Financiering en zekerheden (pandrecht, hypotheekrecht)
  • Geschillen tussen koper en verkoper over non-conformiteit van bedrijfsruimten en woningen, (verborgen) gebreken, schade, overlast
  • Erfpacht
  • Erfdienstbaarheden en andere burenrechten
  • Bouwrecht en aanneming van werk: opstellen en beoordelen van (complexe) aannemingsovereenkomsten, discussies over gebreken, meerwerk en minderwerk, oplevering; onderaanneming; bouwtijdoverschrijding;  UAV, UAV-GC, AVA en Fidic.
  • Projectontwikkeling: samenwerkingsovereenkomsten, anterieure overeenkomsten, bestemmingsplannen, omgevingsvergunningen.
  • Huur/verhuur van bedrijfsruimten en woonruimte, opstellen en beoordelen van huurovereenkomsten, ROZ-modellen, gebrekenregeling, huurprijsvermindering, huurprijsherziening, servicekosten, indeplaatsstelling, ontbinding en ontruiming, schade na oplevering, huurcommissie.
  • Appartementsrechten / VvE: splitsingsakten, splitsingsreglementen, huishoudelijke reglementen, wijzigingen en conflicten tussen eigenaars onderling en met (het bestuur van) de VvE
  • Aanbesteding
  • Makelaars: courtage, bemiddeling, oppervlaktebepaling (NEN 2580), aansprakelijkheid


Heeft u juridisch advies nodig? Wij helpen u graag. Neem contact op met een van onze advocaten gespecialiseerd in vastgoed en huurrecht.

The lawyer and real estate and tenancy law

As we understand the complexity of the real estate and construction sectors, Van Diepen Van der Kroef is a trusted legal partner for those operating in the real estate and construction world. 

Our dedicated team of around 20 real estate and construction lawyers consists exclusively of specialists. We assist in drafting agreements and advising on actual and impending disputes - in both civil proceedings in court and arbitration proceedings, before both the Arbitration Board for the Building Industry and the NAI.

We are also in an excellent position to advise you on tenancy law. A landlord may be refusing to repair defects and you may be seeking repairs and a rent reduction. Your tenant may have stopped paying the rent and you may want to terminate the lease and have the leased property vacated. You may wonder whether the rent for your retail space or restaurant is still in line with the market. Or you may want to be substituted by another party. We understand your interests and know how to achieve your goals.

Our expertise goes beyond civil law real estate and construction. We also offer comprehensive support in the field of administrative law (environmental permits).

Due to the size of our team and because we work from different offices, there is always a lawyer who has the right expertise or field of work for your case. We not only consider the legal aspects, but, above all, we offer practical, tailor-made solutions and contribute to your strategic discussions. Contact us today and find out how we can help you achieve your goals.

Expertise in real estate & tenancy law

  • Assisting in and advising on the purchase and sale of real estate
  • Financing and securities (pledge, mortgage)
  • Disputes between a buyer and seller on the non-conformity of commercial space and residential premises, (possibly hidden) defects, damage, nuisance
  • Ground leases
  • Easements and other neighbour rights
  • Construction law and contracting: drafting and reviewing (often complex) building contracts, discussions on defects, contract variations, completion; subcontracting; construction overruns;  Uniform Administrative Conditions for the Execution of Works (UAV), Uniform Administrative Conditions for integrated contracts (UAV-GC), General Terms and Conditions Governing Contracting Agreements (AVA) and Fidic
  • Property development: collaboration agreements, anterior agreements, zoning plans, integrated environmental permits
  • Renting/leasing commercial space and residential accommodation, drafting and assessing leases, ROZ models, maintenance enforcement provisions, rent reductions, rent reviews, service charges, substitution, dissolution and eviction, damage after completion, Rent Tribunal
  • Apartment rights / owners' associations: deeds of division, property division regulations, internal regulations, amendments and conflicts between owners themselves and with the owners' association or the board of the owners' association
  • Tendering

Do you need legal advice? We would be delighted to help. Contact one of our lawyers who specialise in real estate and tenancy law.

Anwälte für Immobilien und Bauwesen

Die Anwälte von Van Diepen Van der Kroef verstehen die Komplexität der Immobilien- und Baubranche. Deshalb sind wir ein zuverlässiger juristischer Partner für alle, die in dieser Branche tätig sind.

Unser engagiertes Team von rund 20 Anwälten für Immobilien- und Baurecht besteht ausschließlich aus Spezialisten. Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Vertragsgestaltung und beraten Sie bei (drohenden) Streitigkeiten, sowohl in Zivilverfahren vor Gerichten als auch in Schiedsverfahren bei der Schiedsstelle für das Baugewerbe (Raad van Arbitrage in bouwgeschillen) und dem NAI (niederländisches Schiedsinstitut).

Zudem beraten wir Sie fachkundig zum Mietrecht. Ihr Vermieter weigert sich, Mängel zu reparieren, und Sie wünschen eine Reparatur und Mietsenkung? Ihr Mieter zahlt die Miete nicht mehr und Sie möchten den Mietvertrag kündigen und die Mietsache räumen lassen? Ist die Miete für Ihr Ladenlokal oder Restaurant noch marktkonform? Möchten Sie, dass jemand anderes an Ihre Stelle tritt? Wir verstehen Ihre Interessen und wissen, wie Sie Ihre Ziele erreichen können.

Unser Fachwissen geht über die zivilrechtliche Immobilien- und Baubranche hinaus. Wir unterstützen Sie auch umfassend in verwaltungsrechtlichen Fällen (z.B. Baugenehmigungen).

Vorteilhaft für Sie: Wir haben ein großes Team an Anwälten und arbeiten von mehreren Niederlassungen aus. So finden Sie bei uns immer einen Anwalt, dessen Fachkenntnisse oder Arbeitsgebiet auf Ihren Fall zugeschnitten sind.  Und wir denken nicht nur juristisch, sondern bieten vor allem praktische, individuelle Lösungen und beraten Sie strategisch. Sie haben Interesse? Melden Sie sich bei uns und erfahren Sie, wie wir Ihnen bei Ihrem Anliegen helfen können.

Schwerpunkte im Immobilien- und Mietrecht

  • Unterstützung und Beratung beim Kauf und Verkauf von Immobilien
  • Finanzierung und Sicherheiten (Hypothek, Pfandrecht)
  • Streitigkeiten zwischen Käufer und Verkäufer über Nichtkonformität von Geschäfts- und Wohnräumen, (versteckte) Mängel, Schäden, Lärmbelästigung und sonstige Unannehmlichkeiten
  • Erbbaurecht
  • Grunddienstbarkeiten und andere Nachbarrechte
  • Baurecht und Auftragsvergabe: Erstellung und Beurteilung (komplexer) Werkverträge, Auseinandersetzungen über Mängel, Mehr- und Minderarbeit, Übergabe; Unterauftragsvergabe; Bauzeitüberschreitung; UAV, UAV-GC, AVA und Fidic
  • Projektentwicklung: Kooperationsverträge, Vorverträge, Bebauungspläne, Umgebungsgenehmigungen
  • Anmietung/Vermietung von Geschäfts- und Wohnräumen, Erstellung und Beurteilung von Mietverträgen, ROZ-Modelle, Mängelbehebung, Mietminderung, Mietzinsanpassung, Nebenkosten, Parteiwechsel, Auflösung und Räumung, Schäden nach der Übergabe, Mietkommission
  • Wohnungsrechte / Eigentümergemeinschaft (VvE): Teilungsurkunden, Teilungsordnungen, Hausordnungen, Änderungen und Konflikte zwischen Eigentümern untereinander und der Eigentümergemeinschaft bzw. deren Leitung
  • Ausschreibungen
  • Immobilienmakler: Provision, Vermittlung, Flächenberechnung (NEN 2580), Haftung

Wünschen Sie eine rechtliche Beratung? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne. Setzen Sie sich mit einem unserer auf Immobilien- und Mietrecht spezialisierten Anwälte in Verbindung.

Les transactions et les litiges dans le domaine du droit immobilier et du droit de la location impliquent généralement de nombreuses législations complexes.

Il est indispensable d’être bien conseillé, les avocats de Van Diepen Van der Kroef entretiennent des connexions étroites avec des agents immobiliers, des notaires et des chefs de projets. Nos avocats  possèdent des connaissances solides et actualisées non seulement dans ce domaine juridique, mais aussi sur le marché local, les parties impliquées et les pratiques.

Nous assistons notamment les sociétés de développement de projets, les entreprises de construction, les sous-traitants, les donneurs d’ordre, les syndicats de copropriété, les propriétaires immobiliers, les agents immobiliers, les gestionnaires, les communes et les particuliers

Spécialisation en droit immobilier et le droit de la location

Nous disposons de connaissances spécialisées et d’expérience, entre autres dans les domaines suivants :

  • Développement de projets : évaluation/rédaction de contrats de coopération aux Pays-Bas
  • Droit de la construction, contrats de construction : les vices, les travaux supplémentaires, la livraison (à temps), etc. aux Pays-Bas
  • Rédaction et évaluation de contrats de location (locaux commerciaux et logements de fonction) aux Pays-Bas
  • Achat et vente de biens immobiliers, surfaces commerciales, bureaux, entrepôts, hôtels ou de terres agricoles aux Pays-Bas
  • Vices cachés (absence de conformité au contrat) et responsabilité du vendeur ou du notaire aux Pays-Bas
  • Marchés publics aux Pays-Bas
  • Financement et garanties (hypothèque, nantissement) aux Pays-Bas
  • Servitudes foncières aux Pays-Bas
  • Droit de l’environnement (conseils sur la demande ou le recours contre les permis de construire, les modifications du plan d’urbanisme, les expropriations) aux Pays-Bas
  • Règlements de copropriété, actes de répartition et conflits liés aux associations de propriétaires aux Pays-Bas

Vous avez des questions sur le droit néerlandais immobilier et locatif ? N’hésitez pas à contacter Maître Wiebke Bonnet-Vogler, Avocate.

Real estate and construction lawyers

Real estate and construction, Mediation of commercial and employment disputes, Administrative law and environmental law
Wiert Jan
Insolvency and restructuring, Real estate and construction, Corporate law, Procedural law
Real estate and construction, Procedural law, European and international law, Procurement law
Commercial Contracts, Insolvency and Restructuring, Financial Law

Nos avocats francophones





French desk, Corporate law, German law, Employment law


Real Estate and Construction, French Desk, Employment Law

Frequently Asked Questions

The golden rule for additional work, confirmed quite recently by the Supreme Court, is that the contractor must at all times immediately inform the client that additional work will lead to additional payment. If you do not do this, there is a risk that your right to additional payment will be cancelled (the Supreme Court is very strict about this). According to the Supreme Court, it is not so much required that exactly how much additional payment will have to be made is indicated immediately; what matters, according to the Supreme Court, is that the client is immediately aware that the additional work will lead to additional payment.

In other words, as soon as you are faced with additional work, it is important to inform the client immediately that the wallet will have to be opened (and indicate, for example, that you will inform the client about this). The explicit advice is also to do this (also) in writing. Otherwise, this may lead to problems with evidence; if you only make the verbal announcement, it will be more difficult to prove that you have given the correct signal.

It is important to inform the contractor as quickly and effectively as possible of the mistakes he has made or the mistakes for which he is responsible. If the contractor has not yet delivered the work, the risk lies with the contractor. If the work has been delivered, but the maintenance period is still running, the contractor is obliged to repair these defects at his own expense. If the work has been delivered and the maintenance period has expired, the work is at the risk of the client, unless there are hidden defects or a guarantee has been issued for the work.

When reporting, the contractor must be given a reasonable period to remedy the defects. The length of the period for compliance depends on the circumstances. A relevant circumstance is the time the debtor had to prepare before the reminder. Article 7:761 paragraph 1 BW stipulates that any legal action due to a defect in the delivered work expires after two years after the client has protested in this regard. It is possible to interrupt this period (read: extend it). If the UAV 2012 applies to the construction contract, paragraph 12 stipulates for hidden defects that the client's legal action is inadmissible if it is instituted after five years after the day of delivery, or in the case of a maintenance period, the day after the expiry of that period. This is a forfeiture clause and cannot be interrupted – unlike a limitation period. Forfeiture periods are applied by the court ex officio. This means that regardless of whether the contractor invokes a limitation period, the judge himself assesses whether that limitation period applies. It is therefore important to keep a close eye on the periods and to respond adequately.

We often experience that (also) an appeal can be made to the client's insurer. For example, think of a building and contents insurance in the event of leakage. Whether this is possible depends on the policy conditions.

We often experience that (also) an appeal can be made to the client's insurer. For example, think of a building and contents insurance in the event of leakage. Whether this is possible depends on the policy conditions.

The UAV 2012 stands for the Uniform Administrative Conditions for the execution of works and technical installation works 2012. This is a standard set of administrative conditions that is often used in the Netherlands for often larger, more complex construction projects. The UAV 2012 regulates the legal relationships between clients and contractors in construction projects.

The UAV 2012 contains provisions on a wide range of subjects, such as the execution of the work, the obligations of the contractor and the client, changes to the work, additional and reduced work, delivery, and disputes. These conditions are intended to provide a clear and balanced framework for the execution of construction projects, in which the rights and obligations of both parties are clearly defined. The UAV 2012 is often used by governments and in the private sector and is a successor to earlier versions, such as the UAV 1989.

It is important what is rented and for how long. The rental agreement for a rental car or holiday home that is rented for 'a certain period' (for example 1 week) does not have to be terminated. Such a rental agreement ends when the agreed period expires. However, if you rent the rental car or holiday home for 'an indefinite period', the rental agreement must be terminated.

Specific legal rules apply to built real estate such as homes, retail spaces (including cafés and restaurants) and office spaces/other business premises. The starting point is that the lease agreement for built real estate must be terminated, taking into account a statutory or contractual notice period.

For independent homes and retail spaces that are rented for less than two years, and for non-independent homes (rooms) that are rented for less than five years, there are (still) a few exceptions for the landlord: he must only inform the tenant that the lease will not be continued. The tenant must always terminate such a lease agreement.

Landlords of residential and commercial premises can only terminate if a legally regulated ground for termination occurs. Examples of this are poor tenancy, urgent personal use or the realisation of a zoning plan.

Notice of termination is not required if the tenant and landlord terminate the lease agreement by mutual consent.

Contact Us

If you have a question or would like more information, our specialists respond quickly and are always available.