
Advocaat mediation & bemiddeling

Vroeg of laat krijgt iedereen te maken met conflicten. Conflicten tussen zakenrelaties, werkgevers en werknemers, echtgenoten, of in iedere andere verhouding. Waar ernstige verschillen van inzicht aan de orde zijn. Vaak leiden dergelijke conflicten tot rechtszaken. Wanneer de rechter uitspraak doet, is er altijd een verliezende partij.
Het kan ook anders. Mediation heeft als doel een betere situatie te creëren voor beide partijen, zonder tussenkomst van een rechter. Bij mediation gaat u, onder leiding van onafhankelijke en erkende mediators van Van Diepen Van der Kroef, met de tegenpartij om tafel. U gaat samen aan de slag om te situatie helder te krijgen en om te buigen.

Expertise mediation

Waar dat een vereiste is, zijn onze mediators gecertificeerd (NMI, MfN). Zij bieden u oplossingsgerichte begeleiding op hoog niveau, zonder de juridische aspecten uit het oog te verliezen.

Wij hebben kennis en ervaring onder meer inzake:

  • Mediation vastgoed, zoals op het gebied van aanneming van werk, projectontwikkeling, huur- en burenrecht
  • Mediation arbeidsrecht, zoals bij dreigend ontslag of op het gebied van medezeggenschap
  • Mediation of bemiddeling binnen samenwerkingsverbanden, zoals bij geschillen tussen maten, aandeelhouders of andere organen binnen de onderneming

Heeft u juridisch advies nodig? Wij helpen u graag. Neem contact op met een van onze advocaten gespecialiseerd in mediation.

The lawyer and mediation

Sooner or later, everyone faces conflicts. Conflicts between business associates, employers and employees, or in any other relationship, where there can be serious differences of opinion. These conflicts often lead to court actions. When the court hands down a ruling, there is always a losing party.

But things can be different. The aim of mediation is to create a better situation for both parties without the intervention of a judge. For mediation, you sit down with the other party, led by independent and recognised mediators from Van Diepen Van der Kroef. You work together to clarify the situation and turn it around.

Expertise in mediation

Where this is a requirement, our mediators are certified (MfN). They offer you high-level, solution-oriented guidance, without losing sight of the legal aspects.

Our knowledge and experience cover:

  • Real estate mediation, such as in the areas of contracting, property development, tenancy and neighbourhood law
  • Employment law mediation, such as in cases of impending dismissal or dealing with employee participation
  • Mediation within collaborative ventures, such as in disputes between partners, shareholders or other bodies within the firm

Do you need legal advice? We would be delighted to help. Contact one of our lawyers who specialise in mediation.

Anwälte für Mediation & Streitschlichtung

Früher oder später wird jeder irgendwann einmal mit Konflikten konfrontiert. Konflikte können zwischen Geschäftspartnern, Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern oder in jedem anderen denkbaren Verhältnis entstehen.  Dabei kann es um gravierende Meinungsverschiedenheiten gehen. Häufig führen solche Konflikte zu Gerichtsverfahren. Wenn ein Gerichtsurteil ergeht, gibt es immer einen Verlierer.

Es geht aber auch anders. Die Mediation zielt darauf ab, eine bessere Lösung für beide Parteien zu finden – ohne ein Gericht anzurufen.  Bei der Mediation sitzen Sie mit der „Gegenpartei“ zusammen an einem Tisch und werden von den unabhängigen und anerkannten Mediatoren von Van Diepen Van der Kroef begleitet. Gemeinsam arbeiten Sie daran, die Situation zu klären und zum Guten zu wenden.

Schwerpunkte im Bereich Mediation

Soweit dies erforderlich ist, sind unsere Mediatoren zertifiziert (MfN). Unsere Mediatoren betreuen Sie lösungsorientiert auf hohem Niveau, ohne die juristischen Aspekte aus dem Auge zu verlieren.

Wir verfügen über Fachwissen und Erfahrung u. a. in den folgenden Bereichen:

  • Mediation im Bereich Immobilien, z. B. zu Werkverträgen, Projektentwicklung, Miet- und Nachbarrecht
  • Mediation im Bereich Arbeitsrecht, z. B. bei Arbeitskonflikten, gestörten Arbeitsbeziehungen, drohender Kündigung oder zum Thema Mitbestimmung
  • Mediation oder Vermittlung innerhalb von Kooperationen, z. B. bei Streitigkeiten zwischen Teilhabern, Gesellschaftern oder anderen Organen innerhalb des Unternehmens

Wünschen Sie eine rechtliche Beratung? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne. Setzen Sie sich mit einem unserer auf Mediation spezialisierten Anwälte in Verbindung.

Mediation commercial and employment disputes lawyers




Real estate and construction, Mediation of commercial and employment disputes, Administrative law and environmental law



Mediation of commercial and employment disputes, Privacy law, Employment law

Nos avocats francophones




French desk, Corporate law, German law, Employment law







Real Estate and Construction, French Desk, Employment Law


Frequently Asked Questions

Mediation is an efficient means when there are conflicting interests with escalating emotions and it is no longer possible to reach an agreement. It can be a 'good conversation' to clear the air or a legal issue in which lawyers are also involved. The mediation process is aimed at bringing participants together in a structured process. This can lead to agreements on further cooperation in which communication and cooperation agreements are made or agreements on the manner in which the employment relationship is terminated. Mediation is voluntary. This means that participants, under the guidance of the mediator, arrive at a solution for which there is support.

With the help of a mediator, you and the other party will see if a solution can be found for the conflict that everyone agrees with. This can prevent a lawsuit.

Mediation often starts with an individual confidential preliminary discussion, in these discussions the positions of both parties are discussed separately. The information obtained in these discussions is not shared by the mediator with the other party, but ensures that I have a complete picture of the situation and the points of dispute. This can also be done by telephone.

The joint discussion takes place at a neutral discussion location. At the start of the mediation, a mediation agreement is signed in which the neutrality of the mediator is included and the voluntariness and confidentiality of the mediation is recorded.

In the joint mediation conversation, the mediator ensures that there is room for expressing interests and positions and the mediator supports that there is respectful and listening conversation with each other. In consultation with the parties, the mediator can record the outcome, which can of course also be done by any lawyers involved. If there is no formal outcome, the mediator sends a neutral termination message to the parties.

The average expenditure on an employment law mediation is 8 to 12 hours. 1 to 3 joint mediation meetings are usually sufficient to bring the parties to an agreement.

The perception of whether there is a conflict can vary. However, if one person experiences a conflict, there is by definition a (labour) conflict.

Contact Us

If you have a question or would like more information, our specialists respond quickly and are always available. 
