
Advocatenkantoor Hoorn

Advocatenkantoor Hoorn

Bent u op zoek naar juridisch advies in Hoorn? Heeft u een vraag op juridisch vlak, of wilt u graag een prijsindicatie aanvragen? Aarzel niet en bel met één van onze juridisch adviseurs voor een afspraak, of stuur ons een e-mail op onderstaand adres.

Juridische expertise in Hoorn

Ons team van Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten in Hoorn is breed georiënteerd en staat middenin de maatschappij. In de loop der jaren hebben wij een schat aan juridische kennis en ervaring opgedaan. De grote kracht van Van Diepen Van der Kroef is dat we met al die expertise met beide benen op de grond staan. Wij zijn hands-on advocaten. Daarnaast zijn wij ook onderdeel van een onderneming en bouwen wij – net als onze grootste klantengroep – aan onze organisatie. We hebben daarmee de juiste mentaliteit in huis om u direct, to the point en praktisch bij te staan in juridische conflicten en dilemma’s.

Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten Hoorn staat u bij in al uw  juridische kwesties.

Advocatenkantoor Hoorn

Hoorn office

Are you looking for high quality legal advice in Hoorn? Do you have a question in the legal area, or would you like to receive a quotation? Please do not hesitate and call one of our legal advisers for an appointment, or send an e-mail to the following address.

Our lawyers in Hoorn

The law is equal in every law firm. It is the people who make the difference. At Van Diepen van der Kroef  it is the lawyers who want to excel in what they do. From advise to litigation. In Hoorn we do so with a team consisting of twenty lawyers with a variety of legal expertise. People with  passion for their profession. Together with you we turn complicated matters into clear advice. As equal partners, for your knowledge and your expertise are at least as important as ours.

Hands-on lawyers

Over the years Van Diepen van der Kroef Advocaten has acquired a wealth of knowledge across a multitude of legal areas, in both national and international law. Our greatest strength is that we have our feet firmly on the ground. We are hands-on lawyers: to the point, direct and practical. And with that we have the right mind-set to assist you in all your legal disputes and dilemmas.

Advocatenkantoor Hoorn

Hoorn office

Are you looking for high quality legal advice in Hoorn? Do you have a question in the legal area, or would you like to receive a quotation? Please do not hesitate and call one of our legal advisers for an appointment, or send an e-mail to the following address.

Our lawyers in Hoorn

The law is equal in every law firm. It is the people who make the difference. At Van Diepen van der Kroef  it is the lawyers who want to excel in what they do. From advise to litigation. In Hoorn we do so with a team consisting of twenty lawyers with a variety of legal expertise. People with  passion for their profession. Together with you we turn complicated matters into clear advice. As equal partners, for your knowledge and your expertise are at least as important as ours.

Hands-on lawyers

Over the years Van Diepen van der Kroef Advocaten has acquired a wealth of knowledge across a multitude of legal areas, in both national and international law. Our greatest strength is that we have our feet firmly on the ground. We are hands-on lawyers: to the point, direct and practical. And with that we have the right mind-set to assist you in all your legal disputes and dilemmas.

Onze advocaten in Hoorn



Commerciële Contracten, Insolventie en herstructurering, Financieel recht



Aansprakelijkheidsrecht, Financieel recht, Vastgoed en bouw, Bestuursrecht en milieurecht




Ondernemingsrecht, Insolventie en herstructurering



Arbeidsrecht, Privacyrecht



Bestuursrecht en milieurecht, Vastgoed en bouw, Agrarisch en hippisch recht
